Conserving Energy – How to Conserve Energy and Save Money

It is almost everyone’s concern – gas and electricity bills, and we get told that we can save money on our electricity bills by switching to renewable energy and green energy.

Is this true? Does the cost of installing these types of energy pay off later or is it not worth it?

Do we have to switch to renewable and green energy just to save money, given that they save us money, or is it really good for the environment?

We will discuss this in another article so stay tuned.

In this article we will tell you about some energy saving tips that help you reduce costs at home.

First of all and most important one is to choose your energy provider

Choose your energy provider wisely

With many electricity providers in the market, the competition between them is tough to earn you as a customer. This is where you can pick and choose.

Cheap energy deals are always there but you need to do your homework properly. Simply visit one of the comparison websites like Uswitch. They already have done the job for you. You will get to see all available energy providers in your area with their rates so you can choose the cheapest or the one with best offers – some providers would offer you credit when you switch to them, others would reward you with points to redeem at other retailers, etc.

Install solar panels

Solar power is common renewable, green energy source. This clean source of power is really sufficient and cost saving method.

Solar panels can generate enough power to run any appliance at your home. The more panels you have, the more power you get.

A very important thing to remember is the regular cleaning and maintenance for the panels which helps keep them efficient.

Set your fridge and freezer at the right temperature

These appliances run 24/7 which makes them the most power consuming appliances at your home in addition to heating of course.

Make sure your fridge is set between 3-5 degrees and freezer is set at -15 degrees to save energy and keep electricity bills down.

Remember that your fridge or freezer use of energy increases after you open them to get milk, vegetables or whatever it is you want. You open the fridge door, you grab one thing, and you start looking at the other things there thinking of treating yourself with the cake left from yesterday’s party, maybe you would go for the jelly, or maybe get the milk as to make coffee as it goes better with the cake. This time you spent thinking and dreaming of what to have is making the fridge temperature go up which will take it more time to get the temperature down to whatever degree it was set at after you shot the door.

So always remember to think of what you want before you open the fridge door. Let us be clear on one thing; everyone knows what is in there in their fridge—unless someone is hiding something from their partner or kids—so think of what you want, open the fridge, get your stuff, and shot the fridge.

Washing machines

Always run your washing machine with full load based on its capacity. Think of it this way: the washing cycle you choose will consume the same amount of water and energy whether you have full load in the washing machine or few items. So always make sure you run it with full load.

Another tip for the washing machine use is to wash in cold water. Washing machines consume to heat water. We always link hot water to better cleaning. However, this is not the case with washing machines; that is why they have cold-water cycle. Not all washing loads need hot water, so always use the cold-water cycle when you can.

Dryers – to use or not to use

Dryers are great machines especially in wintertime. However, their energy consumption is ‘great’ as well.

Consider the following when it comes to dryers

  • Buy a dryer with moisture sensor. This will save time and energy where the dryer does not have to run the entire cycle. Once the clothes are dry, the sensor will finish the cycle.
  • Similar to the washing machine, run the dryer with full load and try to minimise its use to twice weekly. Remember, dryers consume a lot of energy so only use it when necessary.
  • Dry your clothes for free when it is sunny or when the weather is warm enough. Even if the weather does not help, you can still hang up your clothes until most of the moisture dries; then you can put them in the dryer.
  • It is wintertime and no way your washed lot will dry, nor the weather is helping in any way, well there is no option but to use the dryer. Wait, we still have one more trick; simply hang your clothes on the airer and put it under the heating unit whether you use the air condition or you have central heating system, it will help get your clothes dry. This one helps a lot unless you are in hurry and want your clothes dry in the next hour.
  • Simply, try to minimise the use of the dryer as much as possible.


Dishwashers are our lovely friends in the kitchen. They do the dishes for us; only if they could load and empty the dishes and glasses themselves.

Your dishwasher is another appliance that consumes energy. Dishes won’t get clean and dry in the sun as the clothes would. However, we have few tips that will help you start saving while using the dishwasher.

  • As with other appliances, always run your dishwasher with full load.
  • Always use short cycles; there is no need to run long cycles with hot water. Will that clean my dishes, glasses, and cups? Yes it will, provided you clean all residues from the dishes and cups before filling the dishwasher. With a scourer or sponge, clean the dishes before loading the dishwasher; it may be a quick wipe from you, but it will save you big time running the dishwasher for a short cycle. Remember, this will make the dishwasher run more efficiently and will save you money.
  • Always buy energy efficient appliances. For more information, check this Guide to choosing energy efficient appliances


Do you have any tips for conserving energy?

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